Is Google Ads Right for My Business? The 3 Essential Questions to Ask
Are you wondering whether Google Ads is right for your business? Is this form of advertising profitable, or are your products and services even sought-after on the Internet?
We’re going to answer this question by asking ourselves 3 essential questions:
1) Is the volume of searches for your products and services substantial?
2) Are your competitors on Google Ads?
3) Would you be able to respond to the increase in traffic?
Enjoy 😉
“This is an AUTOMATED transcription of the video. Please disregard grammatical errors”.
Hello, everyone, and welcome to this new video. Today on the menu, I’m going to try to answer the question I probably get asked twice a week, which is: “Is Google Ads right for my business? Is the niche I’m in, are the products and services I offer suitable for Google Ads ad placement?” In this video, we’re going to try to answer this question by asking ourselves three simple questions.
The first thing to look at is, of course, Google search volume. So, for keywords that are related to your service, for example if you’re a window washer, people would probably search for “window washing” on Google. Is the keyword “window cleaning” being searched for in your area? So, for example, if you offer your services on the [0:57], will the “window cleaner” clicks [0:59] generate enough monthly search volume to make it worthwhile? Do enough people search Google to make it worthwhile to create a campaign? There are a few software programs available, of course, and at the end of this video, I’m going to show you a few that will enable you to roughly assess whether it’s just five people looking for your services, or whether there are two thousand or more, so it can start to pay off.
Second point to look at: This isn’t a very precise or scientific point, but it can give you some idea: look at your competitors. If you’ve got a competitor who’s been running Google Ads non-stop for six months, twelve months, eighteen months, that can give you an idea that this Google Ads is profitable.
Third point to look at: It’s often underestimated by entrepreneurs, that is, are you able to take on more? If you’re a solo-preneur and you’re doing everything yourself and you’re booked for the first three weeks, but creating a Google Ads campaign that has to manage lists, that has to manage additional controls, may not be the right thing for you right now. There is, of course, an exception if, for example, you want to put on weight. At the same time, if you’re fully-booked at the moment, but you’re planning to hire employees, this could be something that will enable you to get more lists, more controls, it could be something that’s very interesting. But if you’re fully-booked, that’s a mistake I often see with entrepreneurs, solo-preneurs, especially those who want to do Facebook Ads, they want to do SEO.They want to be everywhere, but they don’t need jobs; they don’t need jobs, they don’t need controls, they don’t need new controls at the moment, so you really have to be careful, you have to ask yourself: do I want to hire or do I want availability in the next few weeks?
So quickly, let’s jumper over to my computer and I’ll show you two programs that allow you to look at the monthly volume of searches for given terms. So, if you’re offering a service in your local area, do you think there are enough people on Google to make it worthwhile building a Google Ads campaign?
So excellent, now we’re back on my computer and we’re going to look at the first of the two softwares that allow you to check the search volume for a certain keyword. So all you have to do is go to Google and type in “Kwfinder”. You take the link, which takes us to an interface that looks like this. So create an account, it’s free; you’re going to need it for the rest of the process; an account is free and gives you five searches a day, for one word. Next, go to “Suggestions” and type in your main service. For example, if you’re a window washer, well, that would be “window washing”. You look in your area; for example, you’re from Montreal, and then you click on “Any language”. Since we’re in Quebec, there are just as many people using a Google Chrome interface in French as in English. So we’ll simply go to “Find keywords”. It will load a little bit and then it will take us out hop! Normally, it works; External API problem, we’ll just reload it. There you go, there was a little mistake there. Well, that gives us several ideas for search terms that are related to our main keyword. But if we look at our main keyword in Montreal, we have about 260 searches per word with an average CPC per click of $3.23; if we look further down the line, “laveur de vitre” with 140; “nettoyeur vitre” with 30. So if we add all this up, we really have a good amount, so it confirms that the “window cleaning” service on Google is a service that is sought after; which comes to confirm us by the fact of creating or not, a Google Ads campaign, to see if it is worth it or not as for a “window cleaning” service on Google. marketing agency
So, the second piece of software we’re going to look at together is, of course, the official Google Ads software, the Keyword Planner. A word of clarification: you need a Google Ads account to use this software, and you need a Google Ads account that already has active campaigns, that has already spent money, to get accurate figures. If you’ve never spent anything with Google Ads on your account, you’ll get some estimates. So, for example, we’ll look for the keyword “window cleaning” and this will give us a search volume of 1 to 10,000; which is really not very useful because we don’t have a precise figure. So to get to the Google Ads keyword planner tool, simply go to the Google Ads Dashboard. Go to the top right-hand corner, click on “Tools” and then on “Keyword planning tool”. In this case, we’ll choose one of the two options. So let’s go to the “Search for new keywords” option on the left. And then we’ll put in our services. So, for example, mine would be “window washing” because, for example, I’m a window washer in Montreal. We’ll click on “Start”. At the top, we risk having a place, a language and then Google’s search networks. For example, I’m in Montreal, so we’re going to mark Montreal; we’re going to Quebec City to keep just Montreal; we’re going to record. Langue Français, c’est correct; and then we’ll go down and look at it together. So “window washing” has 260 monthly searches. And then, once again, it’s comparable to kwfinder, which we used a little earlier. It’s window washer, window cleaner, window cleaning etc. 140, 30 monthly searches, 50 searches etc. So we’ll see here that on “window washing” in Montreal, it’s worth doing Google Ads. There are enough searches per month to allow me, that it’s worth doing a campaign for website creation.
With that, I hope I’ve shed a little light on the question everyone asks me: “Is Google Ads right for my business?” If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the bottom of this video. Contact us directly at
About the author
Cédric Pharand – Co-founder of Web Tonic and travel enthusiast
A seasoned traveler with more than 120 flights to his credit, Cédric created his first incorporated company at the age of 19, which he sold a few years later in a bid to work around the world (laptop lifestyle 😉 ). When he’s not talking about himself in the third person, you’ll find Cedric in a café a little too hipster, refreshing his Google Ads dashboard far too often.
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