Understanding Facebook Ads – The complete guide
Facebook Ads is Facebook’s advertising network, i.e. a tool that enables ads to be automatically distributed on one of the world’s biggest social networks. The ads will then appear in targets’ News Feed, on Messenger or even on Instagram.
Why use Facebook Ads?
More than 1.5 billion people worldwide are registered on Facebook. Using Facebook Ads to promote your products, services or business allows you to target a wider, international audience and generate more shares and conversions. Finally, advertising on social networks offers customers the chance to improve their engagement by sharing, for example.
How do I use Facebook Ads?
Using Facebook Ads is relatively straightforward. Here are the main steps to follow.
– Define your goal
The very first step is usually to define the result you want from the ads you’re going to publish on Facebook. Would you like to boost your sales, raise awareness of your company or encourage prospects to download your application?
– Define your target audience
Facebook Ads lets you personalize your audience through various parameters such as location, language, age range and gender. In this way, advertising will only appear with people who are likely to be interested in the offer, product or company. As a result, conversion or action rates are higher, optimizing return on investment.
– Choose the platforms where your ad will be published
With Facebook Ads, you can choose the platform on which your ad will appear: Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Audience Network or all of them. It’s even possible to publish the ad only on specific mobile devices.
– Define your advertising budget
Facebook Ads lets you define the daily budget for your advertising campaign. You can also specify the period of time during which your ad will be published, and the amount that must not be exceeded until the deadline. Please note that expenses may vary from day to day. You can also change the settings at any time.
– Determining a format
Facebook Ads gives you a choice of 6 ad formats: photos, videos, Messenger, Slideshow, Stories, collection or carousel.
– Place order
Once you’ve gone through all the steps, all that’s left to do is submit your project to Facebook Ads so that it can be passed on to the auction. In this way, your advertisement will be delivered to the right places at the right time.
One of the biggest advantages of Facebook Ads is that it lets you offer your services or products to people who might be interested in them given their profile, even if they haven’t yet conducted a search.
What’s more, you can track the performance of your Facebook ad campaign and make any necessary adjustments at any time using the Ad Manager. Note that Google also offers a similar tool, called Google Ads, which allows your ads to be displayed on Google.
About the author
Cédric Pharand – Co-founder of Web Tonic and travel enthusiast
A seasoned traveler with over 120 flights to his credit, Cédric created his first incorporated company at the age of 19, which he sold a few years later in a bid to work around the world (laptop lifestyle 😉 ). When he’s not talking about himself in the third person, you’ll find Cedric in a café a little too hipster, refreshing his Google Ads dashboard far too often.
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