[Formation Google Ads – Épisode 4] Analyze Our Campaign Results + Install Hotjar
“This is an AUTOMATED transcription of the video. Please disregard any grammatical errors.”
[0 h] Start of transcription
Hello everyone and welcome to this new video! Today, we analyze and optimize your results. So together we’ll be looking at click-through rates, number of conversions, conversation value, number of impressions, etc. To find out together whether your Google ads campaign could be improved, or whether it’s profitable even now. Also, we’ll take a look at where your users come from geographically, and together we’ll see if they come more from tablets, phones or computers. Second part of this video, let’s take a look at this site called Hotjar. So it’s a tool for recording your users’ behavior. So every time someone goes to your landing page or website, there will be a record of that person, of that person’s session, which will then enable us to detect bugs, for example: do you have a button that isn’t working? Do you have a page that is down? Do people click more on a testimonial, the testimonial session or click more on the service session, for example? So all this information, the more information we have about how users use your website or landing page, the better we’ll be able to optimize it so that it converts more.
So here we are, inside the account of one of our customers, who kindly agreed to take part in this video exercise. So roughly speaking, we’ll take a look. The first thing we’re going to look at together is, of course, the big picture; so this is the big picture. At this level on the left, what is selected? It’s “All campaigns” and then the sub-menu is called “Overview”. I’m going to draw your attention to a parameter just at the top right here which, no matter which submenu you’re in, is always going to be at the top right, and that’s the time period over which you’re displaying the statistics. So right now, it’s the whole period, but for example, if you just want the last seven days, you can click on the last seven days and you’ll see here that the last seven days have been conversions. She only spent 21.88, an average cost of 0.64 per click etc. What are we interested in right now? It’s going to be the whole period. So all the chains you see on the overview right now, are very malleable. So it’s absolutely up to you to choose the statistics you want to monitor. So it could be click rate, it could be CPC, it could be number of clicks, it could be cost per conversion, it could be any number of offers. I’m going to quickly, quickly go through, we see here the searches, we have here the ads that are currently running; I’m going to remove; I’m going to remove it’s good; that are running. And here’s a preview, you can view all the ads by clicking here. We have the amount spent per, per platform, so computers, mobiles. You can, for example, include conversions by device, a bit like in SEO. We can see here that mobile devices had one hundred and seventy-two conversions, while computers only had eighty-two conversions. Here, gender and age; again, the choice is yours; conversion, CTR, clicks etc. And, once again, the day and time are up to you, clicks on conversions. So you can mark, for example, which conversion here takes place mainly between nine and five. So here we see that between midnight and 6am, there aren’t many conversions.
Campaign analysis
So now we’re going to go to the “Campaign” sub-tab. We click on “campaign”, and since here, my computer screen isn’t very big, so what I like to do is save space by clicking here, and that’s it. So here, the columns you see right here, hop, hop; my drawing skills; you can change them by clicking on this little “columns” pictogram. So you click, and then modify the columns. Depending on what you’re calculating, it could be impressions, it could be conversions, it could be call details, it could be really lots of business based on; depending on the metrics you want. They’ll be on your right here. You can always change their position. For example, if you want to see the click before the cost,
[00 : 05]
all you have to do is switch them like this. So right now, if we take a quick look at conversions, cost per conversion, conversion rate. As I was saying, for me, for the ; in his account, the customer, conversions, cost per conversion, conversion rate, are the three things that matter most to me at the moment. So we don’t have a value, we haven’t defined a conversion value because it’s a lead [5:30]. This is not a sale. So we can no longer put how much a lead is worth. Depending on the service, it can be worth between two hundred and three thousand dollars. So conversion value, I’ll take it off. Conversion value by cost, I’ll remove it too. All conversions, I’ll leave it there. Average CPC; click, cost, there’s one I’d add and that’s click on rate. So what is it? The number of clicks divided by the number of impressions. There you go, and then I’ll apply. So here too, you can save your set of columns and then give it a name. So it could be a regular thing for me. We can also build a website. This will be my Regular column and then I’ll save and apply. So you’ll see here the three campaigns, and then you’ll see the columns I’m modifying. You can always if the record is too much, for example if you have fifteen campaigns, you might want to see which campaign has the highest cost, the lowest cost by clicking here, filtering your data. The other feature I really like is the segment. I’m going to segment and we’re going to see a lot more details on this mini Dashboard, and what I like to segment is conversions. So for this company, we have three or four different types of conversions, which you’ll see here. So all I’m going to do, I’m going to do conversion, conversion action, so, and that’s it. For example, if we take this campaign here: Group prenatal classes, we see that we have four conversions. And if, for example, we look only in the conversion column here and then don’t include the segments, I’ll see that I’ve got fifteen conversions. So, I’ve got fifteen conversions, but what type of conversion works best? So if we’re looking at names in detail, the segment allows us to take a closer look. We have three conversions for group buys, we have two conversions for clicks, nine conversions for Form Submission and then we have one discussion, excuse me, one conversion for Outbound Calendy LInk. So that’s all I gave for the conversions. So here we can see that what converts the most is Form submission. Another function if you want to search again, if you have several active campaigns. You can search exactly here with the name of your campaigns. Download, if you need to download an excel file or a pdf, for example, you can download it. The develop option here, quite simply what it does, is it puts you in full sreen. So if you need space, you can, you can do it. Another option, the little extra here contains several options that for the moment it’ll be a bit overkill to show you. On the other hand, if you already have another account and would like to import your campaigns or our case studies, the Import function could be useful.
There’s a little tab at the top called bid analysis, right here, which will actually show us where we stand in relation to the competition. Just click on it. The first column is you. So it’s going to be you, it’s always going to be your company, your Google Ads account that’s going to compare to your competitors, who are going to be more valuable. So if we look at the impression rate, it means that for a given search, it’s how many percent, once again, you appear. Whether it’s out of ten in relation to the total number of searches carried out on our ad groups, i.e. our keywords. What’s the average position? 1.4
[0 h 10 min]
So we’ll always be first or second. If we look, for example, at our second competitor, the market it serves, that would be mereemonde.com, it has an impression rate of 28.43%, and then we see that it ranks lower on average than our customer. There is also the overlap rate, which is in fact the overlap. So when you appear, your competitor, how many times does she appear on it? So it’s 37%. Top position rate, i.e. how many percent, once again, you are in a superior position to your competitor. Impression rate at the top of the page, so you’re in the first three percentage results, so how many times out of 100. Impression rate at the very top of the page, it’s simply how many times you’re on it, you’re first, first. In the column here, the competitive advantage, which tells us how many times our ad is in a higher position in the auction than our advertiser’s ad. For example, compared to our position, Mereetmonde was placed 48.86% of the time, 56 compared to second and 55.72 compared to second. Of course, you can always change these columns by clicking on Columns and then adding or removing. All this can be found in our free dedicated google ads training course.
Geographic zones.
So now let’s take a look at the geographical areas that work best. So we’ll simply go to the zone submenu here. Then we’ll take a look here, as seen in the other sub-menu at the top, “Targeted”. So that’s all the geographical areas we’ve targeted. So clearly those in Montreal: Carignan, Chambly, Brossard etc. with all their respective performances. So those who converted best. So, for example, if we look at those from a purely conversion point of view, we’ll click on conversion and put them in order. So 15 conversions for Montreal, 10 conversions for Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, 7 conversions for Longueuil and so on. So what do I want to look at here? It’s an anomaly, so something, so a sector that would have had very few conversions and then would have cost me quite a lot. So, if you look here, you have the Conversion column right here and then you have the Cost column next to it. So what are we going to do, go down to where there are practically no more conversions? And then right now, I’m scanning this column here and this column here for outliers. So I go down, down, down. Mercier Hochelaga, Maisonneuve, Quebec, $34 for a conversion. Is this an outlier? Just a little. So I select it. I go down, $9, $7, $7, it’s to get an idea, $20 for zero conversion; there, it starts to be less interesting so I’ll select it then I go down, J4b, it becomes less interesting. 11 is good or bad. 41 spent for no conversion; so what am I going to do? I’ll click here. Then what I’m going to do is I’m going to go upstairs. So once I go through my list, I’ll go edit and then I’ll just delete. So it’s going to take out the geographical zones; those geographical zones that weren’t performing well. So we can also see if we have at the top the geographical areas we’ve excluded. In this customer’s account, if we’ve excluded Île Bizard and certain postal codes, for example. Now for the geographical report, click here on geographical report. Once in our geographic report interface, we’ll see Canada and Canada here. So Canada place of interest and Canada geographic location. If you remember, Canada Place of Interest would be, for example, someone who has an interest but is not necessarily on Canadian soil. But Canada’s geographic location is someone who, at the time of the keyword search on Google, is in the geographic location, i.e. in Canada. We, on the other hand, have no use for it at the moment.
[00 : 15]
We really want to go city by city. So what are we going to do? We’ll click here and then change the display to city. Excellent, so here we see by city, really clicks, impressions, cost per click, cost per rate. What do you see, what’s missing? The conversions are missing. So we’re simply going to add them. Conversions, cost per conversion, conversion rate, it doesn’t matter right now, we’ll apply them. But before that, I’ll have to change them to a little higher. And there you have it: the zone or type of location, conversions and costs per conversion. Once again, this will enable us to see the state of the cities that are performing less well. So what I’m going to do is go by cost per conversion. So here, you can simply look at your cost per conversion by city. So this may tell you that you should perhaps remove cities or simply keep and maximize the budget on certain cities that convert better for a lower cost, so for example, Montreal 122 conversions with 13.89 versus Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu with only one conversion for a cost of 30.23; so I’d bet more on Montreal than on Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu.
Record your potential customers’ sessions.
By the way, what we’re going to look at here is Hotjar software. It’s a program that lets us see a record and the users on your landing page, website, destinations, whatever. So all you have to do is go to google and mark hotjar.com. We’ll take the Hotjar.com link and then create our free account. So once you’ve followed the few steps to create your account, all you have to do is put in your name, your email address, choose a password, and all you have to do is install the tracking code. So all you have to do is install it in the header of your website. So what we’re going to do is copy to clipboard and then go to the back-end of our website. Again, if you’re not able to access your website back-end, whether you’re with wordpress, Wix, shopify, there are lots and lots of online tutorials that will allow you to do it yourself. If not, just ask the person who created your website. It’ll take him about five minutes. So, as I said earlier, I’m with Divi. So I’m using WordPress, with a paid theme called Divi. Divi is unique in that it integrates bases and integrations that enable us to inject code into the header or footer. So all I’m going to do is go to Integration and paste the code into the header. All I’m going to do is Ctrl V to copy and then save the change. And there you have it. I’ll go back to my hotjar tab and then now I’ll have to test it to see if it works properly. So traking Code, and then I’ll check the installation. So there you have it, installation checked, everything correct, perfect. So what I’m going to do, I have several options. You can see “heatmaps” which will actually give you a switch of your website; it will show in darker red where people click more. What I’m doing at the moment is my recordings. So we’ll click on Recordings and I’ll record this. Take the 100 Recordings, because basically, you get a fourteen-day free trial, but after that, it’ll fall onto a plan that’s free, and then you’ll get a hundred or three hundred Recordings, depending on the deal you’ve got, so you’ve got a free account for life. So we’ll click on that, we’ll click on Done. Of course it’s on any page. In the case of a landing page. If you want it to help you on your website, which is looking for several destinations, you’ll want to set up a specific page, for example. In my case, it’s just one page, the landing page. So what do you want, just when they click and then scroll, sessions that are thirty seconds or more, or do you want to record keystrokes, so what people are typing on their keyboards. Start recording! So there you have it, the code sniper has been installed. You have activated the recordings. All you have to do is wait for people to visit your website, and then you’ll be able to see their registrations in your hotjar account.
[20 : 20] End of transcription
About the author
Cédric Pharand – Co-founder of Web Tonic and travel enthusiast
A seasoned traveler with over 120 flights to his credit, Cédric created his first incorporated company at the age of 19, which he sold a few years later in a bid to work around the world (laptop lifestyle 😉 ). When he’s not talking about himself in the third person, you’ll find Cedric in a café a little too hipster, refreshing his Google Ads dashboard far too often.
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